H                                   HUNGARY                         


Capital City:Budapest               Population:10,479,000                   Area:93,030 km2

Current series                            Temporary                                   Old series


     Current normal series (1990 - ), Euroband since May 2004, uncoded

Current series (1990 - ), Euroband since May 2004, uncoded

Black on yellow = taxis, commercial vehicles carrying other peoples’ goods and some buses and coaches

Current trailer series (1990 - ), Euroband since May 2004, XAA-XZZ = trailers                    

 Current normal series (1990 - 2004), uncoded

Current normal series (1990 - 2004), uncoded, rear plate

Current trailer series (1990 - 2004), XAA-XZZ = trailers

Current series (1990 - 2004), uncoded, black on yellow = taxis, commercial vehicles carrying other peoples’ goods and some buses and coaches

Current trailer series (1990 - 2004), FVA-FZZ in black on yellow = trailers presumably for carrying other peoples’ goods

