(CS)                               Czechoslovakia                   


1918 - 1992

Since January 1, 1993: Czech Republic, Slovakia   

Note: The majority of Czechoslovak era plates issued in 1960 - 1994 is still valid in the Czech Republic but no more legally valid in Slovakia.


Passenger car plates        Commercial vehicle plates        Foreigner and diplomatic series        Trailer plates        Tractor plates        Trade plates        Motorcycles        Temporary        Army


Former normal series (1960 - 1994), 1953 design

GT = Gottwaldov (1948 - 1990), BM = Brno city, NJ = Nový Jičín, UL = Ústí nad Labem, KS = Košice district (Slovakia), KE = Košice town (Slovakia)

(GT and NJB plates are the oldest /made from iron/. Serial letter added for the first time in 1966 in Prague - ABA code for Prague city)


Former normal series (1960 - 1994), 1986 design

GT = Gottwaldov (-1990), ZL = Zlín (1990-), AE = Prague city, BM = Brno town, TA = Tábor, PO = Prešov (Slovakia)

Old normal series (1946 - 1954), Č = Bohemia, HC = Hořice